On the Issues


Our public schools are underfunded. Our teachers are underpaid. Our schools are in disrepair. That is unacceptable.

Chris is a public school graduate and a public school father that will fight for our public schools, our public school teachers, and our children.

He will work with our school board to ensure our public schools are funded properly at the county level.

He will call out those using the term “school choice” to promote an agenda that seeks to defund and privatize our public schools.

Public Safety

Chris believes that we must have enough first responders to meet the needs of our growing county.

Chris believes that anyone who puts their life at risk to keep us safe deserves our respect and you cannot respect first responders while underpaying and overworking them.

Chris will work with county leaders to make sure our first responders are paid appropriately and that they have the equipment needed to do their jobs.

Single Member District Voting

Chris believes our county should move to single member district voting for county commissioners.

At large voting allows the same group of voters to elect all five members of the Alamance County Board of Commissioners. That is wrong. Every voter in Alamance deserves a voice in county government.


Chris believes that county taxes should remain as low as possible while also providing the community with adequate public safety and quality public schools.

Chris believes that we should always seek to eliminate waste and duplication in our government before asking the citizens to contribute more.

Chris believes that tax policy should always seek to ease the burden on our working poor, our disabled, and our elderly populations.